Saturday, March 27, 2010


Lightning lit the dark skies of Malachor V a blaze as the Starviper entered the atmosphere. Aboard, four men sat in silence; one at the pilot's station, and three in the back. Three of the men, the pilot among them, were dressed in armor bearing the symbol of the Black Sun Criminal Organization. The fourth was armored in the style of the Mandalorians, a race of warfaring humanoids from the planet of Mandalore. Across his back was a long black cape that hid his black armor. Attached to his belt was the curved hilt of a lightsaber. The ship made a slight bump as it hit Malachor's surface. The Mandalorian got to his feet and walked towards the exit ramp.

"Guard the ship for my return," the Mandalorian commanded in a droning voice. The three nodded in affirmation before turning to each other to talk. The gravel crunched as the Mandalorian stepped off the Starviper. In the distance, a large temple stood poised, illuminated against the lightning. Knowing his destination, the Mandalorian began walking, determined to take the secrets inside. As time passed, the Mandalorian reached his objective. The entrance was made of black stone, at the sides of the large doors were two lifesize statues of men, each holding stone lightsabers in front them.

Before the Mandalorian could take a step towards the door, a loud scream sounded behind him. Turning around, the Mandalorian saw four hulking stormbeasts come into view. The Mandalorian thrust his armored hand out towards the beasts, causing them to whimper in fear and crawl away. Unhindered, the Mandalorian turned to face the entrance. Something had changed. The statues guarding the door had moved closer to him, eyes and lightsabers glowing red. The Mandalorian reached for his lightsaber, pulling it off his belt and switching the blood red blade on. The statues accepted the challenge, rushing forward to finish their opponent quickly. The Mandalorian held his hand out, shooting dark blue bolts of lightning from his fingertips to his opponents. One of the statues was consumed by the lightning immediately, exploding as the electricity came into contact with the stone. The other held it's saber up, absorbing the lightning and continuing it's charge. The statue went up for a high section chop. In the blink of an eye, the Mandalorian sliced the statue in half. The statue froze in it's place, the top half sliding down and crashing on the ground.

The inside was dark, but the Mandalorian could make his way through the hall with little trouble. The halls were lined with statues of different men and women. Some wore flowing robes of stone, or armor of rock. As the Mandalorian came to the end of the hall, one statue was unfinished. The next room emitted a green glow. As the Mandalorian walked inside, he came upon a room larger then any he had seen before in his lifetime. The stone walls were covered with hieroglyphs and pictures from long ago. The cavernous room was large enough to hold the Imperial Palace on the Imperial Center. Inside was a pyramid entirely of red crystal. The Mandalorian stood on a balcony at the same height of the pyramid's apex.

"Welcome," a voice said. "I am the gateway to Chaos."