Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Chapter 2

Hades Ortul opened the plasteel container and shifted though the contents. Unable to find what he was looking for, he closed the container and made his way out of the cargo bay. At the pilot's station of the KSE Firespray was a mandalorian in his traditional armor.

"We're out of booze," Hades said, taking the seat next to the pilot. "I'm surprised Ordo, you normally never run out of any kind of alcohol.

"Whatever, have you heard of this group called the 'Mandalorian Republic Army?' They sound pretty kriffin' sweet. They just blow stuff up!" Ordo said enthusiastically. Hades let out an exasperated sigh. Just as he put his face in the palm of his right hand, a beeping sound emitted from the dashboard. Waving his free hand casually, a holographic image of an armored Quarren appeared on a small pedestal that jutted up from the center console.

"Hey Jessek!" said Ordo, happily to the image. Hades released another sigh, and returned his face to his palm.

"Hades and Ordo, we are about to enter the system right now," Jessek said. As soon as the last word was spoken, a medium-sized gunship shot out from the black of space and hurtled toward the planet.

"Meet my group at Katraasii Starport," Jessek told them. Hades gave a slight nod to the hologram, opening his mouth to speak before being cut off by Ordo giving a noisy shout.

"Let's blow some stuff up and party afterwards!" shouted Ordo, quickly followed by another sigh from Hades. The man turned back to the hologram.

"You can pay me back in booze."

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